What Does Yext Do?

Now you know new patients can find you and get your accurate information

There is so much more to the digital universe than what is seen on the surface! People will literally use hundreds of different ways and places to find you.

YEXT makes it virtually automatic to manage your information everywhere you have an online business listing. Not only does this make it easier for you to be found online, but it eliminates confusion and a poor customer experience while optimizing your rankings to stay ahead of your competition for less.


  • Patients use a diverse list of maps, apps, voice search tools, digital assistants, search engines, GPS systems, and social networks to find and engage with your practice.
  • Manage the public facts about your practice everywhere they appear online, so you can facilitate face-to-face and digital interactions that boost brand awareness, drive foot traffic, and increase sales.
  • Put every patient engagement to work for your brand — no matter where it takes place — and drive more business online.

Listings Accurate, complete & compelling listings – everywhere it counts

Inaccuracies in the digital world wreak havoc for your practice’s rankings. That makes it hard, if not impossible, for you to be found by those looking for a great dentist. As if that wasn’t bad enough, automation used by listing services is constantly changing your information based on what they find across the web. That’s why YEXT constantly searches for and fixes errors.

Pages – Create beautiful, optimized local pages

Now it’s easy to make sure all of your profiles and listings will make a smooth path for patients to find you.  Even your intelligent search results will always be accurate and consistent.

Analytics – Know how customers interact with you – all across the Internet

YEXT finds all the interactions with your brand and delivers it all to you in an intuitive dashboard. You know exactly what is happening, where opportunities exist to enhance your opportunity and what you have control over.